村林孝夫が、第52回 吉川英治文化賞を受賞いたしました!
一、 対象者:
ることの少ない人、あるいは団体に贈呈します。一、 選考委員(五十音順・敬称略):
阿川佐和子、出久根達郎、堀田 力、柳田邦男、吉川英明一、 賞:
正賞 賞牌一、 候補者の選出に遺漏のないよう、広く文化人、各出版社の編集長、新聞社学芸部長・文化部長・報道部長、ラジオ・テレビ関係者、ならびに中央官庁・政府関係機関・公共企業体・地方公共団体等の関係者の方々に、文章によって推薦を依頼します。
一、 推薦された候補者は、別に定める本会の実施委員によって整理のうえ、
選考委員に提出します。一、 選考委員は合議によって授賞者を決定します。
一、 選考委員ならびに発表は三月上旬に行います。
一、 賞の贈呈式は四月十一日に行います
村林孝夫 生年月日 1949年8月8日(68歳)
■ 特許「白黒写真修復法」で「消えてしまった画像」を蘇らせる。
Takao Murabayashi
Born on August 8, 1949 (aged 68)
Living in Ota, Tokyo
Reviving “lost pictures” by patent Monochrome Photograph Restoration
Mr. Takao Murabayashi succeeded in restoring photographs with their print faded or lost using chemicals for the first time in the world. The technique is said to “restore photographs a hundred years old to their original condition.”
Since he was a schoolboy, Mr. Murabayashi used to help his father Tadashi who was an advertisement photographer. In 1965, the retrospective exhibition of Shinzo Fukuhara and others of Shiseido was planned and Tadashi, who had served as assistant of Mr. Fukuhara before World War II, was placed in charge, which led them to set about photograph restoration. However, original prints were dispersed, negatives were badly damaged by silver pollution, and the plan hit a setback. Watching his father struggling to restore negatives, Mr. Murabayashi entered the department of technology at Tokyo Photograph University (currently Tokyo Polytechnic University) and went on studying with his father as he studied chemical theory. In 1969, they succeeded in depolluting silver. The exhibition was opened and prints extremely close to the originals won popularity, which also appreciated Mr. Fukuhara over again.
In 1989, Tadashi died with his last words, “Bring my favorite work back to the original. You can do it.” Keeping the words in mind, he tried to restore discolored or faded printing paper and to depollute silver in turn. Monochrome photographs lose a clear picture in about 70 years. Mr. Murabayashi discovered the principles of photographs to restore damaged prints to good condition and spent 10 years until he finally succeeded. In 2003, he took out the patent Restoration of Aged Monochrome Photographs. Any damage can be restored except physical deterioration such as wear and tear. The total process takes about one and a half hours. A delicate sense is required to control the quantity and time to dip in hardening, bleaching, cleaning, developing and stopping solutions. It is most difficult to adjust the exposure time, observing the change of printing paper exposed to strong light, which makes a difference in the completion of photographs. Mr. Murabayashi says that “the operations are backed up with theory and would never end in failure,” and indeed the sight would take your breath away the moment you see a picture once whitened turn up again in the developer.
Whereas digital restoration operated on a personal computer is prevalent at present, the greatest advantage of restoration operated in the darkroom with chemicals is to restore old and totally lost pictures, which cannot be digitally restored. He says that “a photograph might be more important for the family than a national treasure. I am very glad to see restored photographs full of memories extend family ties.”
Mr. Murabayashi also succeeded in restoring photographs in “albumen prints”, which had been said to be impossible. Although albumen prints, used from the end of the Edo era to the middle Meiji era, have thin paper and often badly preserved, restoring them is expected to possibly reveal valuable material to read the times of violent change.
In addition, Mr. Murabayashi, who has full knowledge of photographs, has won a high reputation for analog photographs like graphic arts with contrasts manipulated in the process of development.
受賞のことば 村林孝夫
受賞にあたり、複製物であるデジタル再生ではなく、化学変化により修復された黒白写真に光を当てていただけたことを、大変ありがたく思います。 写真を化学的に修復する研究は、二十世紀に世界のフィルムメーカーも行なってきましたが結果を残せませんでした。 写真家の父の遺言を胸に、学生時代の学びを紐解き、約十年の歳月を費やしたのち、2002年にそれを開発しました。 写真業界の常識を覆す革新的な技術であった為か、評価されることなく、写真を修復する必要性は葬り去られそうになりました。 それでも地道に真面目に作業を進めた結果、少しずつ世間の認識も変わり、企業・大学などの評判も高まり、消えかけたオリジナル写真を蘇らせて喜ばれるようになりました。 この度、この賞をいただけたことで、より多くの人に技術を知って貰え、社会や文化の為に貢献できることと存じます。 これは私個人への賞ではなく、写真文化の為にいただけた賞であると考えます。放っておけば消えてしまう運命の写真を、文化遺産として伝えて行く為にもこの技術を知っていただき、世界中の失われていく写真を蘇らせ、救っていきたいと考えます。 光栄ある賞をいただけたことは、励みと共に今後の活動に大きな力を貰えたようで、喜びに溢れています。 ありがとうございました。
On Winning the Prize Takao Murabayashi
I am very grateful that the prize has cast a light on monochrome photographs restored by chemical change, instead of digital restoration which is actually reproduction.
Chemical restoration of photographs had been studied by film manufacturers all over the world in the twentieth century but any of them could not get results. Keeping in mind the last words of my father who was a photographer, I went over what I had studied at the university and spent about 10 years until I finally established the method in 2002.
My work was not appreciated at first and the need for restoring photographs was almost left behind, possibly because my techniques were so innovative as to overthrow common knowledge in photograph industry.
Yet I persevered in my work steadily and seriously, which changed recognition of the world, and my work has won a high reputation among firms and universities and I have got many words of gratitude for reviving faded original photographs.
I believe that winning this prize can spread my techniques to more people and that I can contribute society and culture.
I think the prize is not only for me alone but for photograph culture as a whole.
I would like to go on reviving and saving photographs being lost all over the world by spreading my techniques to hand down photographs which should be lost without maintenance as a cultural heritage.
This honorable prize encourages me and gives a great power to my future activities, and fills me with great pleasure.
Thank you very much.
選評 知られざる功績 出久根達郎
(吉川英治文化賞 選評より抜粋)
お祝いのことば 東北大学大学院文学研究科准教授 大野晃嗣
(吉川英治文化賞 お祝いのことばから全文)